Thursday, December 18, 2014

Thank you for all of the visits to my website and comments too. I read every single one of them and I am in the process of recreating my website so I will have them posted at a later date.

Who's ready for Christmas?? I am almost there. This is the first year since I moved here that I am shopping for BOTH of my kids! That's right Tony too. I am Thankful for so many things this year but I have to say that the biggest one is that I have a relationship with my son again! He calls me to just talk, he talks to me about life, and last night for the first time in a long time he said...I love you Mom! I get so elated with joy when I hear this. Now in the past conversations I've been the one to say "I love you" first and then he would say it. Which is great! and I was totally happy with that, but when he says it first? Man....only a parent can understand that feeling. I'm on cloud 9!

2015 is going to be the turning point in my life! I can feel it. Here's what I know. My coaching business is going to take off, my personal life (love) is going to happen, and I'm going to run a half marathon!! HELLOOOOOO Yes marathon! WHOA! Another thing that I would of never thought of myself doing but hey! I'm changing and for the better. This marathon comes from my business coach, she recommends it highly. It;s a confidence booster and it helps with your inner self talk which is a problem for so many of us and we don't even realize it. Self talk is something that needs to be worked on everyday. Like I said before hiring business coach has helped me in more ways than just business. If you want to know more about my business coach leave your email and I can give you her website. I've recommend so many people to her already I should be a recruiter lol
But it's true she is phenomenal and who doesn't want to get to 300k in 3 years?? HOLLA~

Well, I think that is all for today...

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