Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Are you starving yourself?

A powerful question here. Not in a food way, not in a nutrition way but are you starving yourself in an emotional way?

I hear women say “I thought I was doing good, I thought I was on the path of healing. I’ve been going to my therapist and doing what he/she said.”
And then…you get triggered again. Someone comes along and makes you feel less than.
Now your questioning yourself again and feel like you are back to where you were before.
I remember feeling so small, like a loser, lacking confidence, lost in relationship land, thinking I was ugly, unlovable etc…
I remember thinking if I just ignore what happened and just move on with my life everything will be okay.
Then I realized I was attracting the same type of men in my life. And I was NOT going down that path ever again!! No Way! No How!
So, ask yourself; “how has the damage of being in a relationship like “that” manifested in your life currently?”
Why am I sharing this with you?
Because you can't go to the gym once and expect your muscles to grow.
You can't diet for just a week and expect to reach your goal weight.
You can’t ignore what happened in the past!
You can’t expect your inner wounds to heal with just “time”
That’s just the way it is.
You must practice whatever you are trying to accomplish. You must be patient and love yourself enough to walk this journey to get to where you want to be, nourish and feed your seeds until they grow into beautiful flowers. You ARE worth it!
You can get your mojo back.
You can feel whole again.
You can have peace and happiness in your life.
You can have a HEALTHY relationship with a man.
Anything you think of is possible of having. It all starts with you. You have to take the steps to get closer to who you are and/or the person you used to be before all that crap happened to you.
One small step leads you to another and another and another.
With you, in mind, I came up with a solution to your problem and it’s called:
Discover the Woman in YOU!” Online Course.
Together we will heal the inner wounds that are holding you back from being the person you long to be. The happy, go-lucky girl you once were. I’ve made this course so easy and so fitting for you. All you have to do now is say "YES" to yourself. Say "YES" to your future and say "YES" to the person that you want to be.
"Move forward and find out what the universe has in store for you."

P.S. If you're ready to leap into having everything you've ever wanted, take a leap of faith and click HERE and see what's waiting for you. 

With massive love and warmest wishes,
Denise Dominguez

I want to talk to YOU!

IMPORTANT: I am about to offer you the opportunity to talk to me privately for a full 60 minutes at no cost to you, to help you get clear on what you need to do to fulfill your creative dreams NOW. If this sounds like something you need, keep reading. * 

As you can imagine, I speak with a lot of women every day.

Whether I'm attending a conference, speaking at an event, coaching women on the phone or via email, or chatting with someone on Facebook, I meet really amazing successful women who all want one thing: to have peace and happiness in their life.
What happens, however, is that 9 times out of 10, every single one of them has at least one, if not ALL of these issues:

1) They are stuck. They know they need to move forward but feel like they can't.

2) They have been hurt. They've had their heart broken and do not want to feel that pain again.

3) They don't trust. They have trouble trusting because they don't trust themselves to make the right choice.

4) They are scared. They don't want to make the same mistakes, but they don't know how to break their patterns.

5) They are too busy. They want to have a life that they LOVE & ADORE, but they feel they need to finish their degree, move forward in their business or career, or lose weight before they can make them a priority in their lives.

6) They are feeling hopeless. They want to believe that they can have it all, but doubt keeps creeping in.

7) They feel ashamed. They had a vision for what their lives would look like by now and they feel bad about it looking completely different.

8) They are settling. They are holding onto the status quo – whether that's their single life or a relationship that doesn't work – and avoiding going after what their heart truly desires.

I understand. I've been there myself.  Many times.

I remember being so afraid of moving forward in my life that I could actually feel the physical pain in my heart. I suffered from anxiety and lots of sleepless nights!

I remember focusing 100% on him, hoping that it would somehow make up for not having everything else I wanted, but knowing it wasn't everything I wanted.

I remember praying to God, asking him to please help me see what it was that was missing so that I could finally have the peace & happiness I wanted both outside and inside.

When I made the commitment to really do the inner work on me, I began to really fall in love with myself, move beyond my fears, and open my heart to the new and extraordinary life of love, peace & happiness.

All along, I knew in my heart what I wanted, but I wasn't able to figure out how to get that on my own. I did it with the help of others – mentors and coaches who had the lives and relationships I wanted. On my own, I would have stopped when it got too difficult or when I felt too afraid.

Now my passion is teaching women around the world how to attract, create, and nourish true “Dream Life”. My passion and purpose are to help women find the power within themselves to break through their fears, their past, and their doubts and experience the joy of loving and being loved every single day of their lives!

I do this because I remember the fear and the loneliness. I remember how I was so stuck in fear thinking what was I going to do and how was I going to do this?  I know what it's like to want a life you love and be loved so badly, but feeling unable to figure out how to do it on my own.

I don't want you to feel alone. I don't want you to give up on your dream of having your beautiful life. Because It’s YOUR Turn.
And, as happy as you may be in the other areas of your life, I want you to experience even more success and happiness and the feeling of knowing that you know that you know that you are loved!

But here's the thing, there are thousands of women in my community and only one of me. As much as I would love to chat with each and every one of you, it's simply not something I am physically able to do.

What I can do, however, is make room in my calendar for the 12 women who need my help the most.

12 women in my community will get the opportunity to work with me one-on-one for 60 full minutes on a complimentary call.

And just so that you know what I’ll be focusing on, I’m calling it a Ready to “Live” Again Session!

If you would like one of the 12 spots, you'll need to apply.

Why? Because if we're going to gift you this call, we want to make sure that you know what to expect from the call and that you are truly ready to be coachable and follow the next steps I am going to give you.

It will take you just 3 minutes to fill this out. I’ll be reviewing the applications this week and selecting the 12 I think will most benefit from the no-cost Ready to Live Again Session with me.

If you are selected, you will receive an email asking you to schedule a time to speak with me. As a courtesy, if you are not selected, you will get an email as well with some recommendations, based on your responses.

I know you are busy, so I wanted to make It super easy to apply. Simply click below, fill out the application, and press submit. That's it!

Let's get you living the life and love you want!

With massive love and warmest wishes,
Denise Dominguez

Sunday Morning enCOURAGEment

I believe in something BIGGER than us, smarter than us and far more capable than us.
Do you?
Lately, I’ve been paying close attention to what the universe has been showing me and receiving the messages with love!
Do you remember the email I sent you about the butterflies?
These messages can come from anywhere at any time.
Ex: after I was fully aware of what the message was about the butterfly’s I was talking to a close friend of mine while sipping coffee on a beautiful day and a black and blue butterfly came and sat at the chair right next to us.  Guess what we were talking about? We were talking and planning a retreat focused on transformation and letting go.
I received that message again with pure LOVE! I’m now open to the opportunities that are presented to me and take leaps of faith into the unknown.
With shaking hands and a rapid heartbeat, if I know it’s what I need to take my life to the next level; I do it…. I do it scared! Excited! Nervous!
But with FAITH that it will all work itself out in the end and I will stretch, grow and learn in the process.
I know fear can literally FREEZE you up. I know it can paralyze you and keep you stuck for YEARS! All because you were shown and taught that playing is safe in the world is a good thing. It keeps you and your family alive.
But I’m here to tell you that’s BS! Where you want to live is just outside of that. This is where the magic happens. I couldn’t say this to you unless I’ve experienced it myself.

Why am I sharing this with you?

I too come from TOTAL Fear! And a TOTAL safety mindset. The messages I received growing up were the same as what you received.

We are the same.

This is why I’m here sharing this with you. I love you and want you to have the most amazing life ever!
I know you can have it ALL! Everything. But it starts with you choosing you. You have to say "YES" to you.
You have to have FAITH that this is what you need and want, and everything is going to work out for the best. And then GO FOR IT! 

Because…“In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.”

I want to ask you…What is the one thing you can do right now to "Take Back Your Power"?

Don't waste another minute, another hour, another day, another year of being stuck.
Paralyzed by fear when what you want to create IS possible.

You can’t see the forest for the trees, that’s just common sense.
When you are too close to a situation you need to step back and get a little perspective.
When you do you will notice there was a whole forest you couldn't see before because you were too close and focusing on the trees. 

Simply that you have focused on the many details and have failed to see the overall view, impression or key point. Click HERE to get CLEAR.
You will get on clear and exactly what it is that’s keeping you stuck.  I’ll then give you my professional expertise in breaking free!  Go here now to claim your spot.

With Massive Love and warmest wishes,
Denise Dominguez

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Love Letter

Happy Thursday from sunny North Carolina.
I love writing and prescribe it to all my clients.
Writing releases toxic emotions, limiting beliefs, adds gratitude, and celebrates your success. There’s nothing better than writing so, I am dropping a little weekend challenge.
Write a love letter to your future self, dated December 24, 2024 and write it to your current self and include where you are in 2024.
List all the hurdles you have overcome along the way. How much fun it was. How much you learned and how much you grew along the way. What your hopes for 2025 are.
Write down anything that comes to mind-include it. Have fun if you decide to take the challenge.
My love letter to my future self begins with: Well, that was quite a ride but here I am whole, beautiful, filled with gratitude for all that I have learned and for all the success I have had and will continue to have…

Here’s to YOUR beautiful love letter xo

P.S. If you have been watching me from a distance for some time and want to check out how I help women heal themselves and create their dream life, this is a really great opportunity for you. I’d love to see you experience the same type of success my clients achieve, and a little bit of my guidance from being on this call can get you started on your way.
Sending you lots of love,
Denise Dominguez

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

I got engaged!!!! 

On a beautiful sunny Florida beach, the love of my life asked me to marry him!
SURPRISED is an understatement as I had let go of the anticipation and
timeline of when I thought we should get married.

And I’m so glad I did!

You see, it was just two weeks ago I decided to bring my now fiancĂ© into my
story more and share with you what the results of healing your emotional
wounds looks like.

This man is one amazing person! He truly loves me and shows it to me everyday
with surprise flowers waiting for me on our kitchen table, random love text
during the day, and fun date nights just him and I.

He is everything I’ve ever wanted.

I manifested him and you can do the same thing for yourself in 2018!

Why am I sharing this with you?

After being in such a toxic relationship for so long and then numbing myself
with alcohol and men I took a step back and said- “Denise, you are the
common denominator of these situations and people.”

And in that moment, I decided to stop dating, stop looking online, stop
swiping left and just focus on me. Just look inside of me and start to heal me
and my emotional wounds.

One tiny step lead me to another and another. After two years of investing in
ONLY me I had created and manifested the BEST relationship I’ve ever had!

At 47 years old I am in a healthy relationship and if I did this; so can YOU!

All it takes is that first step. It can be scary, I know, but you are SO worth

And here’s my promise to you; when you start to invest in you, when you show
up and when you do the work on you, you will create your dream life too.

This is my guarantee to you sealed with a <3

So, now the next part is up to you. CLICK HERE and see what is possible for you!

“The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be
written. We can help write that story by setting goals.” -Melony Beatie.

​​​​​​​With love and warmest wishes,

Denise Dominguez