Wednesday, November 30, 2016

32 days left in 2016-what do you want to create in life?

So here’s what’s on my mind!

There are just 32 days left till 2017 and I know you are the kind of person who wants to do better and better every year in your life; otherwise you’d never be reading my emails.

And you may have realized that we are at a critical point in the calendar where the year is almost gone! (32 days left to be exact!) If things aren’t going as you had planned, it’s time to course correct, which is why I am emailing you (NAME)

And if I can make your life easier while helping you with personal growth, then I want to do that!

So here’s my invitation to you:

I want to invite you to sign up for a complimentary coaching session with me so I can help you get your life back on course this year . . . before it’s too late.

A few months from now you could be in the same place you are right now, terrified that you aren’t going to achieve your goals, OR you can do something about it NOW, and LET ME HELP YOU.

Please consider this my gentle push for you to get the support you need. It’s 100% complimentary and is my gift to you. 

P.S. I don’t just want you to hear from me that you should sign up for this free coaching call, BUT rather see WHY you should.  

Happy Thanksgiving I know...i'm late!

I wanted to extend a Happy Thanksgiving to you and ask “what are you thankful for?” This is a great time of year to reflect of what we are grateful for even if you had a shitty year. There is ALWAYS something to be grateful for.
I remember watching an Oprah episode and she was talking about listing five different things to be grateful for each night and I thought “what? I can’t think of five different things every night that’s crazy!” but I started to do this and honestly I struggled in the beginning. That was because I wasn’t getting the concept of gratitude and what it can do for me. I kept going though and now I can rattle off about 10-15 different things I am grateful for each night. Can you think of five? I would love to hear what you come up with. If you need some help practicing this just hit reply to this email and let me know how I can help you.

Why am I sharing this with you?

Because feeling gratitude can change your life! Yes, it’s true. “What we focus on expands”-Oprah Winfrey. And what we fear will appear! So why not focus on all the good you have in your life? Why not start thinking of the wonderful things, places and people that make you happy? Thoughts that bring a smile to your face. I found this article online by Tom Volkar Titled-Top Five Realizations about the Powerful Force of Gratitude. I hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

I'm not that happy go-lucky girl I used to be!

Do you say this to yourself? “I’m not the happy go-lucky girl I used to be?” Do you feel like you had more conviction and more confidence when you were younger than you do now?

Funny thing is; with age, we should be more confident and we should be enjoying life more right? But that is not always the case. Sometimes “things” get to us or we go through a major transition in life and all “that” covers us and keeps us feeling small, and playing life small. And then this becomes the norm until one day you feel it, someone says something that triggers you to recognize you aren’t who you used to be. Back when you were a happy go-lucky girl. Carefree! You had friends, you socialized, you ENJOYED living life! You woke up every morning ready for the day. Planning and making things happen in your life. But the years of crap has caught up to you and now you don’t even know who that girl is anymore. You feel like she is lost, broken or she is gone forever! You think-how do I get her back? Where do I start? Who can I trust enough to talk to about this? All valid questions. And I have the answers for you right here in this email.

Why am I telling you this?

Because I know what this shitty feeling feels like. I’ve asked those same questions to myself too. I didn’t know who I could trust enough to confide this stuff to. And it was an AWFUL feeling to be in that space. It’s no coincidence that you are reading this today of all days. It’s no coincidence that we are connected, even if we haven’t talked on the phone or met, we are still connected. That’s because like attracts like and you are in a place in life I used to be in. I felt lost, confused, and miserable. Crying myself to sleep nearly every night. But something inside of me said this is not it, there is more out there Denise. It’s waiting for you.

The Universe may not bring you a straight-out answer. The way it typically unfolds is more like this; The Universe begins delivering clues, like a trail of breadcrumbs, and each clue nudges you toward people, ideas and opportunities that surprise and delight you!

Here are the answers I promised you

How do I get her back? You don’t have to find her because she is right there inside of you. She has just been covered up by all the muck that life has left behind. She is a part of you and she is wanting to come out. It’s time to uncover the layers and bring her up front so she can shine again.

Where do I start? You start by choosing YOU! You start by making yourself a priority every day. You start by investing time and energy into you. Just you being here reading this is a start. Now it’s time to take the next step so that you continue to see the results.

Who can I trust enough to talk to about this? Your heart tells you this. When you are connected to someone and you want to tell them about what you are going through what does your heart say? What is the feeling inside of you telling you? Do you feel light or heavy? Light is right! Most of the time we are just judging ourselves and that’s why we don’t want to confide in someone else. We think “what are they going to think of me?” No-one is perfect and something that you say might help that person too. Maybe by you having the courage to speak out someone will speak out too.

So, if you are ready to take the next step into getting that Happy go-lucky girl back just click here and let’s map out a specialized plan just for you to peel back the layers to get “her” up front and shining.

There is no better time to start than NOW! 2016 is ending and 2017 will be here before you know it. Don’t go through another year of feeling like you had more conviction and more confidence when you were younger than you do now. We are like fine wine we get better with time!! 

P.S. If you have been watching me from a distance for some time and want to check out how I help women create their dream life in less than a one year, this is a really great opportunity for you. I’d love to see you experience the same type of success my clients achieve, and a little bit of my guidance from being on this call can get you started on your way.

Monday, November 7, 2016

I was thinking about you today

Hi Beautiful, I was thinking about you today.

Are you accepting less of life because of circumstances, and not allowing the best version of you to shine through and live?  It's no wonder! It's really hard to be your best self and live your true potential when you're trying to cope with the roller coaster of life, and when you’re not sure what your best self looks like anymore!

Observe how life has been for you lately. Is it the way you want it to be?  If it's not what you want, you are missing a couple of key things.

First, changing how you feel about life’s ups and downs is HUGE. It will make an enormous difference for you if you change your heart’s belief system around what's stopping you moving forward.

The second thing is shifting your mindset to match your heart’s new belief system, and then starting to live in that newly aligned way.

The third is to create a plan of action to launch you back into life with all the passion and purpose that’s bursting to live again!

So, I felt inspired to GIVE you a FREE Shift Your Focus Session to help you move into a positive mindset and give you some individualized action steps to put into practise right now!

When you know how to control your life from the inside, lock that in with positive thinking and take clear action, THAT'S when your life can really be all that you want it to be!

So, here's how this works:

There are limited spots available next week  (U.S. time). The first people who sign up will receive a FREE Shift Your Focus Session. (This offer is only available until next Thursday).

We will uncover what’s stopping you from moving forward. I will help you get rid of unhelpful blocks in your life and together we will formulate a plan for how you can live with more peace in your heart, success in your life and joy in your day!

When you know you want life to be different but you don’t know how to make it change, you feel restless and unhappy. You feel like life’s a disappointment and blame yourself for everything that’s gone wrong.   Maybe you really want life to be different but fear and uncertainty hold you back. Perhaps you’ve already been on a journey of self-discovery and have been close to feeling success, but something is still missing and you can’t figure out what it is.

I am passionate about helping you and we can achieve a lot in a short conversation!

Here’s what you need to do to get my help:

#2 Think about the thing you MOST want to bring into your life right now.
#3 Show up for the call with the knowledge that you are making positive steps towards your new life and your new self, and get ready to be empowered! 

So, if you know you need this:

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.  Are you ready? I certainly am:)

YOU deserve all the happiness and joy that life can bring to you.  You have everything you need inside of you to achieve success and live a fulfilling life. 

I am so excited that I can help you to do that!

With love and warmest wishes

Friday, November 4, 2016

Do you ever think about becoming an online coach?

Have you ever thought about becoming an online coach? Did you think “how would I do that?” or “where do I begin?” and of course “Where would I get my clients from?”

Well, if you have asked any of these questions I have the answers to them ALL! It’s the same way I got started in my coaching business. I took my story and build my business around it and whala! Here I am!
I thought about how I could get this information to you. I first though a webinar and then I thought a live call, but then I thought no…wait…I want to share the information with you and then give you some one on one time with me to clarify anything you need. How does that sound?

2017 is almost here and that means another year has passed. Poof It’s gone! Are you at the place where you truly want to be in life. Are you living a life that you love and adore? Are you looking for the #laptoplife just like I was?

It took me less than two years to build my business and quit my full-time job and live in freedom! There is no better feeling than to be able to do what I want and when I want and not worry about time and money anymore!
Here is a picture of what I had put on my vision board in Jan 2016 and here we are; the holidays are here and this is coming true for me <3 

What could come true for you by this time next year? 

So, here’s the deal:

I want this for you too! I would be honored to teach you what I know to be true and help YOU create a life of total Freedom! So, I’ve put together a training call just for you. It has all the information you need to understand on how to become an online coach. 
No sign-up page just click HERE and listen. I did put some slides in there for visual. Now is the time to make that move. 2017 will be gone too and you will wish you had started now!

Okay I don’t want to spoil what is in the call so just click and listen:)

See you there!

P.S. If you have thought about this for a very long time and are ready to become an online coach RIGHT NOW click HERE and let’s get started. I can't wait to hear from you!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Be with your pain- The Journey IS the reward!

When I think of pain I instinctively think of physical pain i.e. headache and then I think of the pain we have after a good work out, right? There are many forms of pain but the one I am referring to is emotional pain. 
You know, there was a time when I HATED my life! I was so miserable. I would literally cry myself to sleep almost every night at one point. I wondered as I laid in bed in the dark with tears running down my face, I thought; “what was I going to do?" "Is this my life forever?" 

It took one step at a time for me to climb out of my shit! Just one step and then I would think of my life as I wanted it to be. And yes, there were bumps along the way but for the most part once I decided that “I” matter and started to choose things for ME, my life started to change in such a wonderful, positive way and it continues to do every single day! I fall asleep with a smile on my face now, I fall asleep thinking of all that I am grateful for. Life is so fkn good now! But I wouldn't change my journey for nothing because it led me to where I am now. I wouldn’t change the pain I went through because it was my teacher. That “pain” taught me lessons but only because I was paying attention. It can’t teach you unless you are willing to see the lessons in your pain, the gifts that come from it. It’s there I promise you, there are gifts in every situation.

Why am I telling you this?

I wouldn't be the woman that I am today if it weren't for my journey. I see the gifts in my story, my journey. The pain that I went through showed me the way I wanted to live. Because I didn’t want to live with that emotional pain any more but until I made that first move toward my freedom, until I took that first step, that little baby step. My first step was choosing me! Then the next step and the next. That’s all it takes; one step at a time. Don’t get bogged down with what is ahead of you-that will only overwhelm you and stop you from moving forward. I know…I was there for many, many years. Just try it, take that first step. Then think of how you want your life to be. Choose YOU and make yourself a priority every single day. I couldn’t say this to you if I hadn’t been through it myself so I know where you are and most importantly I know where you want to be so when you are ready, and I mean READY to choose you as a priority just click HERE and let’s work together to make your life filled with peace and happiness. Believe me if I can do so can you!

P.S. Did you get to listen to It’s YOUR Turn Radio show’s episode last week?

It was a doozy! Susan Ball and I kicked off Domestic Violence awareness month with our stories of being in abusive marriages and how we got out of them. We got down to the nitty gritty of the 5 general categories of abuse tactics. 

Empowering One Woman at a Time!
Denise Dominguez

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

A New Day Dawns-Breaking up with abuse!

Do you remember I wrote you an email and told you about October being a big month for me and I mentioned I am a part of a book launching this month, in fact TODAY it is being released!!!
The time is now! It’s time for us to rise and take our power back for ourselves and for our children. If I would have known what I was showing my kids and the damage I was doing I would have stopped it a long time ago. I was showing my ex-husband how to treat me. Every time I accepted his bad behavior I was showing him that it was okay to treat me like that. Every time he would call me names, be little me, control me, and control the money I was saying yes to this behavior and so it would go on and on. Until the day I finally had the courage to stand up for myself and say NO MORE!! I was done with this bullshit and I was done with this behavior. Is there anyone in your life NAME that treats you poorly? It doesn’t have to be a spouse it can be anyone in your life. i.e. parent, child, sibling, coworker.
 I am here to tell you that you are in control and you decided how you want to be treated! That’s why I am a part of this book and why I keep sharing my story of where I was to where I am now. I want you and others to hear me and know that you can create anything that you want in your life!!!

Why am I sharing this with you?

This book means so much to me because I didn’t know I was in an abusive relationship until I was out of my marriage for two whole years! I also didn’t even know I was sleeping next to a narcist either. Because I wasn’t being physically abusive I didn’t connect the dots but I was being emotionally, mentally and financially abused. Now it’s time for me to share my story of what I had gone through and how I got out of that situation. How I finally realized how unhealthy my relationship was and how I attracted a healthy relationship with first myself and then my future husband.

So, here’s the deal:

I’m inviting you to check out the book I am a part of on Amazon. Here is the link 
I would love to hear what you thought of it. In addition to that I want to invite you to this week’s radio show where we are featuring Erica Glessing the editor and publisher of the book who also has a chapter in the book because she too came out of an abusive relationship/marriage with the father of her two kids. Click HERE to listen. 
As always hit reply if you have any questions for me.

P.S. October has a lot of positive stuff going on, I hope whatever in this email spoke to you will be the one you choose for YOU!  

Empowering one woman at a time!
Denise Dominguez