HOLY MOLY!! I can not believe I haven't posted on here since Jan 2015! Shame on me lol
and so much has happened since then too:) So after my book launch, I started hosting a bloftalk radio show called It's YOUR Turn! This is aired every Thursday at 6PM EST/3PM PST each week I feature a guest on all types of topics like this Thursday August 13th (My Bday) I will have Kellee Rutley, she is a Health and wellness coach! She will share with us all about that about extra weight as a SOCIAL and INTIMACY barrier and how to SOLVE it! Access the FREE talk here =======>http://tobtr.com/s/7838561
This started in May 2015.
In March I launched my Women of Worth summit http://denisedominguez.com/women-of-worth/
and starting August 18th I'm launching another summit, this one is all about Self love http://denisedominguez.com/wlgtwi-summit-opt-in/
WOW!! This coaching thing is ROCKING my World! And I am loving every minute of it!
Check out all of the links and see which one connects with you:) See you there!
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Friday, January 30, 2015
I was Flying High on Wednesday, the book that I am a co-author of a book that launched and went straight to a "best seller" and stayed there for 2 days! I was posting this on my Twitter, FB (personal) and my FB business page and getting great responses and support from the other authors and my friends and family and then Thursday...I was scrolling through FB and saw a pic of my childhood/family friend post about her sister who was my best friend when we were little. The statement said something like she is looking down from heaven and watching you and I went into a panic mode! I couldn't believe what I was reading and said to myself "no please no she cant be dead" I messaged her (sister) and asked what was going on? I went back to her wall and scrolled down until I saw something which was from back in November 2014. And yes, she is dead, she took her own life the Monday before Thanksgiving. I immediately text my dad and asked if he knew about this?He did but he thought he had told me about it and that is my dad, forgetful lol I cant be mad at him, he didn't mean any harm but my mom (who doesn't talk to me anymore) should of emailed me. I was so pissed off that she didn't and I emailed her, I pulled back from the anger emotion because i know we say stuff that we shouldn't when we are angry. so here's the email I wrote:
I don't understand what you are thinking by cutting me and Sam off completely. I feel sorry for you, because only a special person could cut off their daughter for NO REASON!!! so sad so very sad.
her response:
Who cut who off?
My response:
I just found out about Melissa, You didn't think to reach out to me to tell me what happened to her?
What did I do to you to have so much anger towards me?
You know that despite Melissa being on drugs that I loved her and I love Diane too!
her response:
Who cut who off?
My response:
You know what Mom...I love you! and that will never ever change.
I really hope that you do not think that I "cut you off" because I would never do that.
You are my Mom and I have the utmost respect for you.
I just want you to know that I love you.
FB Post:
Just found out that a childhood friend of mine took her own life back in Nov 2014. The tears won't stop! I feel so heartbroken for her and her family. She was truly a lost soul BUT a beautiful person, a loving person and a person that deserved happiness is her life. Unfortunately her demons won in the end. It is so hard to accept that she is gone FOREVER! I had a chance to reconnect with her back in 2009 she worked with me and I knew then that the drugs really took over her, even when she was clean she was a different person, she couldn't considerate and the once responsible hard working smart girl that I knew wasn't there anymore.
I have so many memories with her as a child we would have sleep overs all the time stay up late listening to music and dance 70's style lol I will hold on to those memories of her and know that she is finally experiencing pure peace and happiness.
Rest in Peace Sweet Melissa. —
feeling emotional.
I have so many memories with her as a child we would have sleep overs all the time stay up late listening to music and dance 70's style lol I will hold on to those memories of her and know that she is finally experiencing pure peace and happiness.
Rest in Peace Sweet Melissa. —

Friday, January 23, 2015
For such a private person...I am really putting my business out there! LOL so, I'm looking into what is the best way to blog and the best topics. I think my life may be too boring for you guys. I say this because I don't see any comments and I would LOVE to interact with you. This is what I do in my business. I send out weekly newsletters about what I am doing or any upcoming events and they share what they think with me. When I write the newsletter I write it to them! I want you guys to connect with me. Am I connecting? Maybe that's the issue. Maybe I am not connecting with you on here like I am with my list. Hmmm...something to think about huh?
But this is my whole goal, its pretty f%$king boring to just talk to myself right? I like to hear what you think or if you have any opinions of what I am doing. So SPEAK UP DAMN IT!!
In other news...my son and I talk all of the time, how does it get any better than that?
My daughter just came back from Florida and she wants us to move there...yeah right back home to South Florida, we would just live a little north of the same county, but that is where my son and his dad live, so that would be awesome! My daughter wants to go see her dad and try to build some type of a relationship with him. I tell her all of the time "baby, please know that you should expect NOTHING from him" and she says she knows but that's my job; to protect her and warn her and prepare her for what I know is coming. It's still hard for a child to know that her dad is dead even though he is still physically here. We talk about this all of the time and I put it like this, when he attempted suicide in 2008 we lost the man, husband, father that we once knew. The person is gone forever.
We cried and I know that I felt like (at the time) I was grieving for my husband like a death had occurred. I knew he was never going to be the same and it was easier for me to accept too but he is not my dad he is my (now) ex-husband. I could not even imagine my father doing that and as a child going through such a horrific event/s. All I can do moving forward is what I am doing which is be there for them and always talk good about their dad and let go of all the bad feelings that I had before toward him, and I have. We were just talking the other day and I said to my daughter "I talk about daddy better now than I ever did when we were married" she agreed and I said that is because I am not with him and I am happy now! I don't blame him for anything and now I can see and talk about all of the good in him. I still miss the man I WAS in love with at one time and of course I wish my marriage and our family didn't go the way it did but this is where we are at now and it's our journey and everything happens for a reason so...
But this is my whole goal, its pretty f%$king boring to just talk to myself right? I like to hear what you think or if you have any opinions of what I am doing. So SPEAK UP DAMN IT!!
In other news...my son and I talk all of the time, how does it get any better than that?
My daughter just came back from Florida and she wants us to move there...yeah right back home to South Florida, we would just live a little north of the same county, but that is where my son and his dad live, so that would be awesome! My daughter wants to go see her dad and try to build some type of a relationship with him. I tell her all of the time "baby, please know that you should expect NOTHING from him" and she says she knows but that's my job; to protect her and warn her and prepare her for what I know is coming. It's still hard for a child to know that her dad is dead even though he is still physically here. We talk about this all of the time and I put it like this, when he attempted suicide in 2008 we lost the man, husband, father that we once knew. The person is gone forever.
We cried and I know that I felt like (at the time) I was grieving for my husband like a death had occurred. I knew he was never going to be the same and it was easier for me to accept too but he is not my dad he is my (now) ex-husband. I could not even imagine my father doing that and as a child going through such a horrific event/s. All I can do moving forward is what I am doing which is be there for them and always talk good about their dad and let go of all the bad feelings that I had before toward him, and I have. We were just talking the other day and I said to my daughter "I talk about daddy better now than I ever did when we were married" she agreed and I said that is because I am not with him and I am happy now! I don't blame him for anything and now I can see and talk about all of the good in him. I still miss the man I WAS in love with at one time and of course I wish my marriage and our family didn't go the way it did but this is where we are at now and it's our journey and everything happens for a reason so...
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Happy Saturday!!
What are you up to today? Are you vegging out on the coach or scrolling these blogs? lol
My blog tour has kicked off today take a read and let me know what you think:)
What are you up to today? Are you vegging out on the coach or scrolling these blogs? lol
My blog tour has kicked off today take a read and let me know what you think:)
Thursday, January 8, 2015
HA! so I created my own Opt-in page only problem is...I made it to a post not on an actually page on my website lol
I will figure it out...eventually:)-
Now to make a video and post that to my website, I am so freaking busy and I am WAY out of my comfort zone but I know it is all worth it! And I really can not wait for the anticipation of wanting something more for my life to subside because I'm scratching all over and my thoughts run wild and its not easy to get them under control, it takes a lot of practice. But I am getting there day by day. It helps that I have very few distractions now that I have decided to stop dating and stop all of my social callings lol (bars and live bands)
So anywhos it FREEZING here in NC! Holy Crap! it was 12 degrees when I woke up this morning and its only suppose to warm up to a whopping 30 degrees. REALLY??? I am such a Florida girl I swear! I will take the heat over the cold any day! I would trade this pea coat and layers of cloths for flip flops and a tank top in a NY minute lol
I will figure it out...eventually:)-
Now to make a video and post that to my website, I am so freaking busy and I am WAY out of my comfort zone but I know it is all worth it! And I really can not wait for the anticipation of wanting something more for my life to subside because I'm scratching all over and my thoughts run wild and its not easy to get them under control, it takes a lot of practice. But I am getting there day by day. It helps that I have very few distractions now that I have decided to stop dating and stop all of my social callings lol (bars and live bands)
So anywhos it FREEZING here in NC! Holy Crap! it was 12 degrees when I woke up this morning and its only suppose to warm up to a whopping 30 degrees. REALLY??? I am such a Florida girl I swear! I will take the heat over the cold any day! I would trade this pea coat and layers of cloths for flip flops and a tank top in a NY minute lol
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Hey, hey,hey!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hope you all had a great one...I for one am very glad it is over lol I love the holidays but since my kids are all grown up its just not the same:(
I used to sneak presents under the tree and set out cookies & milk for Santa and make sure that he ate at least half a cookie and drank some of the milk hehe..but mostly it was the excitement and the child like imagination of Christmas that was so special for me to witness in my children's face! Just writing about it now I am getting that fluttering feeling in my heart. LOVE LOVE LOVE being a Mom!! It is truly the best job ever and its true, time does pass so quickly and before you know it they are walking across the stage graduating and being so independent...whaaaaa:((((
Anywhooos I have some exciting stuff lined up for 2015! I am kicking off the new year with a blog tour this Saturday 1-10-15 and a book release on January 28th yayyy me!! My coaching business is evolving into wonderful and meaningful things. Are you following me on Twitter and FB? I have a business page for divorcees and post some funny shit on there! haha because I can, and I will. Sometimes you just have to laugh it off right? So yeah, find me on FB and Twitter and like my page I am just over 1030 likes for it and it is growing everyday!
Oh and I am revamping my website to have an opt in page so people can opt in and get all of my sick humor in their email. I will limit that to once a week unless someone begs me to do more! haha
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hope you all had a great one...I for one am very glad it is over lol I love the holidays but since my kids are all grown up its just not the same:(
I used to sneak presents under the tree and set out cookies & milk for Santa and make sure that he ate at least half a cookie and drank some of the milk hehe..but mostly it was the excitement and the child like imagination of Christmas that was so special for me to witness in my children's face! Just writing about it now I am getting that fluttering feeling in my heart. LOVE LOVE LOVE being a Mom!! It is truly the best job ever and its true, time does pass so quickly and before you know it they are walking across the stage graduating and being so independent...whaaaaa:((((
Anywhooos I have some exciting stuff lined up for 2015! I am kicking off the new year with a blog tour this Saturday 1-10-15 and a book release on January 28th yayyy me!! My coaching business is evolving into wonderful and meaningful things. Are you following me on Twitter and FB? I have a business page for divorcees and post some funny shit on there! haha because I can, and I will. Sometimes you just have to laugh it off right? So yeah, find me on FB and Twitter and like my page I am just over 1030 likes for it and it is growing everyday!
Oh and I am revamping my website to have an opt in page so people can opt in and get all of my sick humor in their email. I will limit that to once a week unless someone begs me to do more! haha
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