Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Be with your pain- The Journey IS the reward!

When I think of pain I instinctively think of physical pain i.e. headache and then I think of the pain we have after a good work out, right? There are many forms of pain but the one I am referring to is emotional pain. 
You know, there was a time when I HATED my life! I was so miserable. I would literally cry myself to sleep almost every night at one point. I wondered as I laid in bed in the dark with tears running down my face, I thought; “what was I going to do?" "Is this my life forever?" 

It took one step at a time for me to climb out of my shit! Just one step and then I would think of my life as I wanted it to be. And yes, there were bumps along the way but for the most part once I decided that “I” matter and started to choose things for ME, my life started to change in such a wonderful, positive way and it continues to do every single day! I fall asleep with a smile on my face now, I fall asleep thinking of all that I am grateful for. Life is so fkn good now! But I wouldn't change my journey for nothing because it led me to where I am now. I wouldn’t change the pain I went through because it was my teacher. That “pain” taught me lessons but only because I was paying attention. It can’t teach you unless you are willing to see the lessons in your pain, the gifts that come from it. It’s there I promise you, there are gifts in every situation.

Why am I telling you this?

I wouldn't be the woman that I am today if it weren't for my journey. I see the gifts in my story, my journey. The pain that I went through showed me the way I wanted to live. Because I didn’t want to live with that emotional pain any more but until I made that first move toward my freedom, until I took that first step, that little baby step. My first step was choosing me! Then the next step and the next. That’s all it takes; one step at a time. Don’t get bogged down with what is ahead of you-that will only overwhelm you and stop you from moving forward. I know…I was there for many, many years. Just try it, take that first step. Then think of how you want your life to be. Choose YOU and make yourself a priority every single day. I couldn’t say this to you if I hadn’t been through it myself so I know where you are and most importantly I know where you want to be so when you are ready, and I mean READY to choose you as a priority just click HERE and let’s work together to make your life filled with peace and happiness. Believe me if I can do so can you!

P.S. Did you get to listen to It’s YOUR Turn Radio show’s episode last week?

It was a doozy! Susan Ball and I kicked off Domestic Violence awareness month with our stories of being in abusive marriages and how we got out of them. We got down to the nitty gritty of the 5 general categories of abuse tactics. 

Empowering One Woman at a Time!
Denise Dominguez

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