Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Sunday Morning enCOURAGEment

I believe in something BIGGER than us, smarter than us and far more capable than us.
Do you?
Lately, I’ve been paying close attention to what the universe has been showing me and receiving the messages with love!
Do you remember the email I sent you about the butterflies?
These messages can come from anywhere at any time.
Ex: after I was fully aware of what the message was about the butterfly’s I was talking to a close friend of mine while sipping coffee on a beautiful day and a black and blue butterfly came and sat at the chair right next to us.  Guess what we were talking about? We were talking and planning a retreat focused on transformation and letting go.
I received that message again with pure LOVE! I’m now open to the opportunities that are presented to me and take leaps of faith into the unknown.
With shaking hands and a rapid heartbeat, if I know it’s what I need to take my life to the next level; I do it…. I do it scared! Excited! Nervous!
But with FAITH that it will all work itself out in the end and I will stretch, grow and learn in the process.
I know fear can literally FREEZE you up. I know it can paralyze you and keep you stuck for YEARS! All because you were shown and taught that playing is safe in the world is a good thing. It keeps you and your family alive.
But I’m here to tell you that’s BS! Where you want to live is just outside of that. This is where the magic happens. I couldn’t say this to you unless I’ve experienced it myself.

Why am I sharing this with you?

I too come from TOTAL Fear! And a TOTAL safety mindset. The messages I received growing up were the same as what you received.

We are the same.

This is why I’m here sharing this with you. I love you and want you to have the most amazing life ever!
I know you can have it ALL! Everything. But it starts with you choosing you. You have to say "YES" to you.
You have to have FAITH that this is what you need and want, and everything is going to work out for the best. And then GO FOR IT! 

Because…“In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.”

I want to ask you…What is the one thing you can do right now to "Take Back Your Power"?

Don't waste another minute, another hour, another day, another year of being stuck.
Paralyzed by fear when what you want to create IS possible.

You can’t see the forest for the trees, that’s just common sense.
When you are too close to a situation you need to step back and get a little perspective.
When you do you will notice there was a whole forest you couldn't see before because you were too close and focusing on the trees. 

Simply that you have focused on the many details and have failed to see the overall view, impression or key point. Click HERE to get CLEAR.
You will get on clear and exactly what it is that’s keeping you stuck.  I’ll then give you my professional expertise in breaking free!  Go here now to claim your spot.

With Massive Love and warmest wishes,
Denise Dominguez

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